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What is the difference between Scopus , Web of Science and other science bases?


Dr. Artem Koldovskiy

Scopus and Web of Science are two of the most widely used abstract and citation databases in academia, each with its unique features and advantages. Scopus, created by Elsevier, offers a vast database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. It is known for its extensive coverage, user-friendly interface, and robust tools for tracking citations and analyzing research trends. Researchers often appreciate Scopus for its broad subject coverage and ease of access to interdisciplinary research.

Web of Science, developed by Clarivate Analytics, is another leading citation database, renowned for its high-quality, curated content. It provides access to multiple databases covering a wide range of academic disciplines. Web of Science is particularly valued for its rigorous selection criteria, which ensure that only the most impactful and relevant journals are included. This makes it a preferred choice for researchers who prioritize the quality and reliability of the sources they reference. Its tools for citation analysis and bibliometrics are also highly regarded in the academic community.

Other science bases, such as Google Scholar, PubMed, and IEEE Xplore, offer alternative resources with distinct focuses and strengths. Google Scholar provides a freely accessible platform with extensive coverage, including scholarly articles, theses, books, and conference papers. However, it lacks the stringent quality control of Scopus and Web of Science. PubMed specializes in biomedical and life sciences literature, offering a comprehensive database for researchers in these fields. IEEE Xplore is tailored to the needs of engineers and computer scientists, providing access to a vast collection of technical literature. Each of these databases serves different research needs and preferences, making them valuable tools alongside Scopus and Web of Science.

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